
6 December, 2007, 611 pm
Filed under: Barrels of Fun, Music, My Experience with Existence, Nouvelle Musique, School

Since today is Thursday and I had art class, I shall post several songs that I have taken a liking to.  Just because it’s Thursday.  And I got the privilege of walking home from school in sunlight with like two inches of snow.  It was a dangerous trek, but I loved every minute.  Yesssss.  MY SISTER AND I ARE SPEED-WALKERS.  I shall tell my day in songs.

Cat Power

So, le premier.  Right before I went to bed last night, I was chillin’ on iTunes when I noticed that Cat Power was playing.  I have, in fact, underappreciated Chan Marshall, despite the fact that I know her real name, know what she looks like, AND can recognize her voice.  All three are signs of appreciation.  Well, that’s arguable, actually.  For her from me, they’re signs of appreciation.  But I’ve never really delved into the mystique that is Cat Power.  Thus, I shall post the song that I listened to three times in a row last night before reluctantly (and rudely) shutting off my computer the wrong way (again).

The Greatest | Cat Power [buy]

It’s a fireside song.  I don’t know if that means anything, but because of the orchestral-eque-ness, the atmospheric guitar, and her soft, familiar voice, I could probably listen to it any time of year at any time of day, supposing I was in a tender mood.  Or like, tired.  Let’s just say it takes a special kind of song to make it onto my iPod these days.


Since I generally get to bed later than LATE, I normally fall asleep a bit during school.  But during study hall, that’s okay!  The auditorium seats at Lewisburg have never been comfier.  And today it was actually above zero degrees Kelvin in there!  So I fell asleep nicely to this here Sparklehorse song.

Sea of Teeth | Sparklehorse [buy]

It’s one that’s quite often mistaken for Rilo Kiley, just because the singer’s voice is so soft like Blake Sennett’s.  But think about it–and correct me if I’m wrong, but since when did Rilo Kiley ever use a piano?  Also…where’s Jenny Lewis on backing vocals?!  SHE’S NOT THERE.  That’s proof that it’s not Rilo Kiley.


Continuing with my day, when I woke up, “Yours to Keep” by the Teddybears had just come on.  I don’t feel like posting that one just because it’s not appropriate for today.  Maybe some other time.  I skipped twenty million songs until I found one mellow enough for me to wake up to in time for lunch.

Young Bride | Midlake  [buy]

I always like that orchestra sound.  I love it.  And the percussion really modernizes and universalizes it, if that makes any sense.  It’s got a hot beat, even it’s a lyrically sad song.

After lunch during the end of studayyy hall, I stumbled across some good old Bright Eyes.  During school, I normally have this no Bright Eyes policy, but today it was okay.  I shall save that song for another day, though, when I’m finally reunited with all my CDs.

Sufjan Stevens

So…on the walk home from school, I switched on a Sufjan Stevens one, which fit the mood of snow.  It doesn’t really need explanation.

Holland | Sufjan Stevens [buy]

The National

Currently, I’m staked out in my room because I’m attending my sixth-grade sister’s band concert tonight.  She plays alto sax and it’s as large as she is.  But I’m listening to this song and despite the fact that I adore the Arcade Fire…it’s funny that the National opened for them when I saw them, but Boxer is apparently pwning Neon Bible on everyone’s lists.  As a die-hard Arcade Fire fan, I’m kind of sad to admit that I can see why.

Squalor Victoria | The National [buy]

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yay for snow =]

and speaking of ipods. i might be getting one for xmas. wheeeeee.

i swear one day soon i will listen to all the music that you put on your site.

Comment by divya

there’s an article about Chan Marshall in the last New Yorker. i’d send a link, but they don’t have it up anywhere. it’s a good, relatively short read. check it out.

Comment by puttysauce

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